They say there is only one mother... Let's take the example of the Greek myth of Demeter... who is the fertility goddess, the mother ... it could be said that she posses tons of the energy from the zodiac sign of cancer- the mother that nourishes.
The Greek myth says:
This Goddess had a daughter... her name was Core. Unfortunately, Core was taken by Hades... the king of the underworld, who did not contain himself to the beauty of the young woman... When Demeter loses her daughter, she falls into depression and loses all motivation. It is said that for this reason there are four seasons a year. When Demeter lost her daughter the fertility of the planet was affected.
That story reminds me of the infinite love that our mothers give us. That pure love that they feel towards us ... They are not perfect, they make mistakes-they are human- but the love they feel and give us in their own way is impossible to question. Demeter represents fertility, agriculture, mother's love. This Greek goddess is the embodiment of the mother archetype in all its aspects. Both positive and negative. In her light, she nourishes, protects, and shelters ... but, in her shadow, it takes full control of its young and does not let them explore their growth freely ... One thing is certain: we must respect this energy ... Both mother earth and our mothers and that female lineage that came before us.
Nothing is a coincidence with the cycles of the year (sun and moon)... important dates and events.
What a coincidence that Mother's Day has been celebrated in the month Taurus - the month of Mother Earth ... Where Beltane is also enjoyed in the midst of the season- an event that honors nature at its best during this season.
Y ahora que reconocemos y nos encontramos nuevamente con este Arquetipo de la madre, "Deméter" ... Reconozcamos que los romanos la llamaron Ceres. Las representaciones de la madre y lo que significan se encuentran en todas partes ... su poder no tiene comparación en nuestro colectivo y en nuestra alma.
We all have heard the saying... "There's only one mother". On special days we remember to celebrate our mothers, although it should be a daily practice. Only one thing is certain: its power is sacred, worthy of respect ... and exists within everyone and everything. May this beautiful goddess "Demeter" remind you to honor all the mothers we have met in this life, from past lives, and from other dimensions ... and let's not forget the mother
earth who gives us sustenance.
- Oriana Paola Ramirez