We read horoscopes, Instagram tips, and more. Or we watch YouTube videos for morning routines examples. But ... something is clear to me ... everything looks incredible on the outside ... but it will not work until this routine is applied by trial and error every day... and we confirm- from our personal experience- that this ritual works for us.
There are millions of ideas for the perfect routine, but the best one is the one that works for you. The keywords are patience and commitment and connecting with what is working and putting aside what is not working. From personal experience I can say that I have spent a year in search of the perfect routine ... and it is as changing as time passes ... Because we are evolving, testing, trying and more and consequently our perspective and way of taking this moment of the day will change. The benefits of having a routine to start the day are endless ... if you try it for a month, you can change your life ... No kidding.
This video helped me a lot - it should be noted that I found it long after applying a morning routine in my personal life, but it never hurts to look for inspirations hehe ... I love to see several examples of routines other than mine and try them out to see which one works best for me in the long run.
No is your turn!
-With love, sun and moon
Oriana Paola Ramirez